Ulysses on Bottles
Israeli Stage, 2015 (American premiere)
This play tells the story of an Arab Israeli who is arrested trying to smuggle Russian literature into Gaza on a raft of bottles. Inspired by this image, I recorded the striking and overtones of various glass and plastic bottles to form the soundscape’s palette.
Man and Superman – Don Juan in Hell
American Repertory Theatre, 1997
Abstract soundscape designed for Shaw’s third act.
Enrico IV - Wail Luna Fragmentation
American Repertory Theatre, 2001
Enhancing the cast’s improvised chant, this selection uses reversed chant fragments, unrelated melody, and backstory sound elements.
Sketch for Vanya
American Repertory Theatre, 2002
An unused rendering for János Szász’s Uncle Vanya. Inspired by the Tarkovsky-influenced scenery, this was an experiment in textural and ambient composition.
Deus ex Machina – Wasteland
Snappy Dance Theater Company, 1999
From Martha Mason’s story-dance, a busy signal extends the storyline of a man who tries to contact God by telephone.
Not Enough Air
The Nora Theatre Company, 2010
This play depicts Sophie Treadwell’s near-obsessive creation of her 1928 play, Machinal. With a dark sonic palette of ambient and percussive elements, I hoped to meld Sophie’s solitary artistic and professional journey with Ruth Snyder’s public murder trial. Breathing, typewriters, file cabinets, and telephones combine with cameras, radio static and the sounds of incarceration to build an oppressively mechanistic atmosphere, leading to Ruth’s execution and Sophie’s collapse before Machinal’s premiere.
Save the TANK - Honeymoon in Prague
The "Save The TANK" campaign preserves a uniquely reverberant acoustic space in Rangely, CO. I submitted an amalgam of 4 sources I recorded mostly in Prague to be reverbed in the TANK: HVAC ambience in a visitor center in Petřín Park, churchbells at the Strahov Monastery, a hurdy-gurdy player in Staré Město, and rug weavers' looms in New Mexico. It was then "RE-TANKED" by master sound artist, Bruce Odland.